Remember when your imagination was real? When the day seemed longer than it was, and tomorrow was always another game away? Remember when you were a kid and the world held magic the grown ups never knew.
Every now and then someone has given me a bell and asked to know what one of the kids is saying throughout the comic. Usually it's because I've used a phrase or a word that isn't well understood outside of our own Australian lingo and I haven't realised to include it in the Strine dictionary on the site itself.
So here's your chance. If you stumble across a word or phrase at some time while reading School Spirit, it's not referenced in the Strine dictionary page, and you still have no idea what the kids are saying, then request a translation here.
Help me build up the School Spirit Strine reference page together.
Just tell me which phrase or word you would like a translation to and I'll do my best to update the page pronto. I might delete obsolete posts to keep this thread maneagable, but I'll leave a message indicating which phrases have been updated.
So...cheers, eh?
Remember when your imagination was real? When the day seemed
longer than it was, and tomorrow was always another game away?
Yeah. Discovered that in the morning when I checked it after the update. Was a little annoyed, but had to go to work. I'll put the word in next time I get the chance.
I was hoping nobody would notice yet...
Remember when your imagination was real? When the day seemed
longer than it was, and tomorrow was always another game away?