Like say, comics.... (or <a href=" ... png">image viewers, but thats another story!</a>)
And in fact, there is a way to get it to work with autokeen. And its fairly simple too. You start by opening an account at Haloscan (duh).
From there, there are two possibilities: Integration through <i>a link</i> or integration though <I title="literally a page within a page">iframe</i>. The latter is less code, and may better entice your readers to comment, while the former takes up less space (good for already cramped pages). Feel free to choose whichever option works best for you:
Integration through A LINK
- Okay, You've registered an account at Haloscan. Now place the following codes into your index and daily templates:
- Put this somewhere within your head (<head>. . .</head>), replacing INSERTUSERNAME with your haloscan username:
Code: Select all
<script type="text/javascript" src=""> </script>
- Now, place this code somewhere in the body (<body>. . .</body>), wherever you wish the link to appear:
OPTIONAL: If you wanna use Haloscan's Trackback feature, add this code as well (just after the one above):
Code: Select all
<a href="javascript:HaloScan('***raw_date***');" target="_self"><script type="text/javascript">postCount('***raw_date***');</script></a>
Code: Select all
| <a href="javascript:HaloScanTB('***raw_date***');" target="_self"><script type="text/javascript">postCountTB('***raw_date***'); </script></a>
- Put this somewhere within your head (<head>. . .</head>), replacing INSERTUSERNAME with your haloscan username:
- Upload your updated templates, and run a regular update.
Integration through IFRAME
- Okay, You've registered an account at Haloscan. Now place the following code into the body (<body>. . .</body>) of your index and daily templates (the code should be placed where you want the frame to appear on the page):
Replace the following:
Code: Select all
<iframe src="***rawdate***/" height="HEIGHTINPIXELS" width="WIDTHINPIXELS" id="haloscan"></iframe>
INSERTUSERNAME with your haloscan username.
HEIGHTINPIXELS with the height you wish this frame to be (in pixels). Eg. <b>400px</b>.
WIDTHINPIXELS with the width you wish this frame to be (in pixels). Eg. <b>600px</b>. - Upload your updated templates, and run a regular update.
Whichever option you chose, Its a good idea to link back to Haloscan. You can do that by uploading this image into your images/ directory:
Then add this line of code somewhere on your page (doesn't matter where, so long as its somewhere in the body of the code):
Code: Select all
<a href=""><img width="88" height="31" src="/images/halolink.gif" border="0" alt="Weblog Commenting and Trackback by" /></a>
Thats it. Any questions?
Oh, a couple things to note about Haloscan:
Its template Gallery is a little flaky; It tends to reset your current style when you visit the page. If you plan on using your own CSS, I'd recommend keeping a copy on your hard drive. For templates, make a copy of the url on the <i>template</i> settings page.
Also, though Email Notification is a premium feature, they do offer a RSS feed for keeping track of comments. Just set you feed reader to this address (as before, replace INSERTUSERNAME with your haloscan username):
<a href=" ... .php?user=INSERTUSERNAME</a>
[EDIT: July 23, 2005] Added the option of integrating comment box through IFRAME, rewrote instructions for the LINK option, and added info on feed.